The RuriDragon manga series is set to resume serialization in the Weekly Shonen Jump with five chapters that will be released from March 4 to April 1 this year. The manga will return to a biweekly schedule on April 22 in the magazine’s digital version and the Shonen Jump+ service. Author Shindo Masaoki announced the return on his Twitter/X profile.
The RuriDragon manga series, written by Masaoki Shindo, first started as a one-shot series published in Shueisha’s Jump Giga in December 2020. The original manga series started serialization in June 2022 before going on a hiatus in August 2022 due to Shindo’s health. VIZ Media licenses RuriDragon in North America and describes the plot of the manga as:
Ruri faces the usual issues: pushy classmates, annoying teachers and…waking up with dragon horns?!
In December 2023, the author teased an eventual return after placing 9th in Kono Manga ga Sugoi! in the shonen category. Kono Manga ga Sugoi! is a ranking by the well-known Japanese publisher Takarajimasha, which releases their favorite manga of the year and is typically seen as a big honor. Shindo’s tweeted a statement regarding the ranking:
“Thank you very much to everyone who voted. I’m sorry for being out of touch for a while. My health condition is good at the moment. I will do my best so that I can bring good news next year.“
Aside from RuriDragon, some of Shindo’s works include the one-shot mangas Twin Peach (2016), Joreishi Rentaro no Yakusoku (2017), Sky Claw (2016), and Count Over (2018).
Source: Masaoki Shindo Official X (Twitter)
© Masaoki Shindo / SHUEISHA
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