Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba manga series is marking Shinobu Kocho’s birthday with a special manga trailer. The charming Insect Hashira, whose birthday is on February 24, is voiced by Saori Hayami in the anime. She was fully introduced in the 28th chapter of the manga and she made her anime debut in the 15th episode.
Demon Slayer is a manga by Koyoharu Gotoge. It ran from 2016 to 2020 in the Weekly Shonen Jump and ended after 205 chapters, compiled into 23 volumes. It received an anime adaptation by the studio Ufotable in 2019 and quickly became a world-known phenomenon.
The first season had 26 episodes and was followed by Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – Mugen Train movie in 2020. The movie was an enormous success, both in Japan and overseas. Season 2 of Demon Slayer started in October of 2021 with a TV version of the Mugen Train arc. The movie was adapted into 7 episodes and it included a special first episode that wasn’t part of the movie. The second part of the second season was the Entertainment District Arc, which introduced a new Hashira – Tengen Uzui. The third season, which will focus on the Swordsmith Village Arc, is set to premiere this April. A special screening tour, which includes episodes 10 and 11 of the Entertainment District Arc and the first episode of the Swordsmith Village Arc, is currently ongoing worldwide.
Source: Jump Comics
©Koyoharu Gotoge / SHUEISHA / Aniplex / ufotable
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